"We have an unparalleled record of safety in late abortion services and we have more experience in late abortion services over 24 weeks than anyone else currently practicing in the Western Hemisphere, Europe and Australia."
In the past, Tiller's office has been protested, prayed upon, and even bombed in 1985. Tiller was even shot in both of his arms by a protester in 1993. While he has always been seen as an "evil man" by the strong pro-life advocacy groups, Dr. Tiller's name became famous a few weeks after Barack Obama's inauguration as the 44th President of The United States.
As Obama began to fill his cabinet of secretaries, his nomination for Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sibelius (former Kansas governor), came under heavy fire from conservatives for her shady dealings with a Wichita, Kansas abortion provider. That's right, your HHS Secretary and Dr. Tiller have a little more than state residency in common. In fact they are great friends. In 2005, Sibelius drew great amounts of criticism from her constituents after she hosted a reception in Dr. Tiller's honor at her very own taxpayer-paid home known as Cedar Crest.
Further investigation found that Dr. Tiller was a heavy financial donor to Sibelius' gubernatorial campaigns along with Planned Parenthood. Under Kathleen Sibelius' governorship, Kansas voters and congressmen alike brought forth anti-abortion legislation and more strict regulations on abortion practices. Despite the voice of the people, Sibelius vetoed every motion for abortion regulations that came across her desk. Anti-abortion legislation was vetoed by Sibelius in 2003, 2005, 2006, and then in 2008 shortly before the president promoted her to run the Health and Human Services Department.
In the coming days, I anticipate liberal pundits to blame Tiller's murder on the Right-wing voices such as Sean Hannity and Rush Limbough or even Bill O'Reilly who coined the term, "Tiller the Baby Killer." Some right winged extremists will even say, "Good for the shooter. This guy deserved to die." I say it's sad (and wrong) when anyone's life is stripped from them before their true time has come whether it is the thousands of third-trimester babies that Tiller aborted or George Tiller himself.
The bigger picture here goes back to the government and the role it should play in its service to the people it should be serving. A recent Gallop poll showed that for the first time in its keeping records, the nation more identifies themselves as pro-life (shown below).

George Tiller's murder should not to be seen as an isolated incident. As the government continues to go against the desires of those who put them in power, Incidents like this will continue. Politicians have the power to make changes in the way our country is run and this power allows for swift and peaceful alterations in American policy. On the other hand, when politicians ignore the voice of their constituents to such an extreme degree, citizens often find there to be no other choice than to take the law into their own hands. When this happens, there is not peace, but often violent and aggressive ramifications because there is no other way for the common man to make their voice, and the voice of the majority in this case, heard.
The dissenting views of the early colonials caused them to break away from Great Britain and declare their separation. I believe this excerpt taken from the Declaration of Independence is a prophecy of what's to come if the politicians don't start listening to those who elected them.
As Obama began to fill his cabinet of secretaries, his nomination for Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sibelius (former Kansas governor), came under heavy fire from conservatives for her shady dealings with a Wichita, Kansas abortion provider. That's right, your HHS Secretary and Dr. Tiller have a little more than state residency in common. In fact they are great friends. In 2005, Sibelius drew great amounts of criticism from her constituents after she hosted a reception in Dr. Tiller's honor at her very own taxpayer-paid home known as Cedar Crest.
Further investigation found that Dr. Tiller was a heavy financial donor to Sibelius' gubernatorial campaigns along with Planned Parenthood. Under Kathleen Sibelius' governorship, Kansas voters and congressmen alike brought forth anti-abortion legislation and more strict regulations on abortion practices. Despite the voice of the people, Sibelius vetoed every motion for abortion regulations that came across her desk. Anti-abortion legislation was vetoed by Sibelius in 2003, 2005, 2006, and then in 2008 shortly before the president promoted her to run the Health and Human Services Department.
In the coming days, I anticipate liberal pundits to blame Tiller's murder on the Right-wing voices such as Sean Hannity and Rush Limbough or even Bill O'Reilly who coined the term, "Tiller the Baby Killer." Some right winged extremists will even say, "Good for the shooter. This guy deserved to die." I say it's sad (and wrong) when anyone's life is stripped from them before their true time has come whether it is the thousands of third-trimester babies that Tiller aborted or George Tiller himself.
The bigger picture here goes back to the government and the role it should play in its service to the people it should be serving. A recent Gallop poll showed that for the first time in its keeping records, the nation more identifies themselves as pro-life (shown below).
George Tiller's murder should not to be seen as an isolated incident. As the government continues to go against the desires of those who put them in power, Incidents like this will continue. Politicians have the power to make changes in the way our country is run and this power allows for swift and peaceful alterations in American policy. On the other hand, when politicians ignore the voice of their constituents to such an extreme degree, citizens often find there to be no other choice than to take the law into their own hands. When this happens, there is not peace, but often violent and aggressive ramifications because there is no other way for the common man to make their voice, and the voice of the majority in this case, heard.
The dissenting views of the early colonials caused them to break away from Great Britain and declare their separation. I believe this excerpt taken from the Declaration of Independence is a prophecy of what's to come if the politicians don't start listening to those who elected them.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
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