After an Obama speech, MSNBC's Chris Matthew's said, "It's part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama's speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often."
Then there was Oprah Winfrey who, at an Iowa rally, said, "I've never taken this kind of risk before nor felt compelled to stand up and speak out before because there wasn't anyone to to stand up and speak up for. I know [Barack Obama] is the one."
Later on, Oprah would deny Sarah Palin an interview stating, "I made the decision not to use my show as a platform for any of the candidates." Doesn't it seem kind of weird that a talk show host who prides herself on empowering women would turn her back on one of the most high profile females within American politics? It's simply because these television faces wouldn't dare to threaten the image of their favorite superstar.
In just a few months, Obama had been transformed from his true identity as a freshman senator, into a phony superhero. Being as it was so easy for Obama to be transformed from a nobody in congress, to a rock star, and then to a superhero, it shouldn't surprise anybody that Obama's next move was to take the position of God. He may not have made the claim himself, but Obama had (and still has) several left-wing cronies perpetuating the illusion of his Divinity. Even the progressive crazies at MSNBC have bought into the Messiah illusion...
In honor of Obama NOT being God, I have compiled the following list with some help from Google and Rush Limbaugh.
-Differences between Barack Obama and God-1. God only asks for 10% of your money
2. The media feels a strong attachment to Obama
3. Progressives wouldn't mind putting Obama's name on the dollar
4. The Lord giveth, yet Obama taketh away
5. God doesn't own a car company
6. God doesn't communicate by use of a teleprompter
7. God created the earth in 6 days, then rested. Obama destroyed liberty in 6 months and still wont give it a rest
8. God spoke to Moses through a burning bush. Obama speaks to America by blaming Bush.
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