Wednesday, July 22, 2009


In the 1960 Broadway hit "Bye Bye Birdie," Harry McAfee's lovestruck daughter causes him to spent much of the play trying to answer the question, "What's the matter with kids today?" Well I don't know what was the matter with the kids 50 years ago, but I think I figured out what's wrong with kids THESE days.

In the 50's, the transition from child to teenager, and then on to a young adult, was often accompanied with an insubordinate attitude towards authority. This attitude drove parents crazy in the 50's, and that hasn't changed one bit. What has changed though is that there is much more wrong with kids today. One blatant and obvious change in the today's adolescents is that kids in this generation do not generally have the self motivation to educate themselves on the state of the nation and current affairs. Kids have given up Newspapers and the Nightly News for ipods, video games, and text messaging. Not to be misunderstood, I do enjoy my ipod and cell phone, but I also understand the necessity of taking a personal interest and ownership of America and it's liberties. This means knowing what is going on in the country and how that relates the the constitutional role of government in the lives of all Americans. Sadly, today's youth has little to no interest in government.

Obama's connection with the youth stems from his celebrity-like status

This has arguably changed in the last year or so as young Americans between 18-25 had a record turnout in the 2008 presidential election. Is this because young adults are finally coming around to take a personal interest in the prosperity of America? Absolutely not. Realistically, the individuals of this demographic most likely showed up to fight the establishment, the establishment they really know nothing about. So why was it that Obama was able to rally the youth to favor him in such a successful way? One of the many reasons was his use of media in a way that had never been done before. Youtube videos, mass texts, and video game advertisements are just a few ways that the Obama campaign was able to reach out to the younger American demographic and their minuscule attention spans.

An Obama advertisement appearing in the video game "Need For Speed"

Experiencing the wrath of Obama's successful technology-based campaign, conservatives have learned form their devastating loss of political footing. This has prompted republicans to take to the internet as well. The social networking site Twitter has become a very popular medium for conservatives to get their word out. Here are just 3 recent twitter updates from conservative politicians.

(KarlRove) Polls are turning against President Barack Obama’s health-care plan. #TCOT #SGP

(AKGovSarahPalin) safe clean American energy&jobs or force our reliance on foreign countries;what more to ponder,oh wise Washington?Where's DC's common sense?

(Newtgingrich) RT @Heritage Stop Obama's defense cuts! Join the 48,000+ people who've already signed our 4% for Freedom petition.

Beyond social networking sites, conservative bloggers have taken their role as commentators to even more creative heights. Some make videos and others create political cartoons and comics to represent the current state of America under the democratic regime. Steven Crowder is a young blogger who writes for and Big Hollywood. Other than writing, Crowder also provides commentaries on Youtube. In this video, Steven Crowder decides to mix it up with a musical representation of how Obama's first few months have gone.

Steven Crowder's "Obama Song"

And because Steven Crowder has gotten me into such a musical mood, Ill give you another Obama song. This one is a little more light-hearted but it still confronts a crucial issue regarding Obama- the idea that his golden touch is the saving grace of America. Greg Morton performs his song on "The Bob and Tom Radio Show."

Greg Morton's "Obama Man Can"

You may not be a professional video editor or an expert public speaker, but everyone who values a traditional, conservative America must use their abilities to fight for our liberties and take back the greatest, most free nation in the world. Surprisingly enough, the young demographic that so ignorantly supported Obama is also the demographic that is providing rising leaders like Steven Crowder to promote truth in troubled times.

Interested in more young Americans fighting to preserve the traditional conservative America? Some things to check out:
The Young Cons
Pajama's Media
News Busted
Check out the "links" section of this blog(left sidebar) for more sources.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Attacking Private Citizens for Political Gain

This is Frank Ricci. He is a firefighter that serves the city of New Haven, Connecticut. Ricci was one of the the 20 fire fighters who earned promotions promised to the highest scorers on a job aptitude test. Ricci himself has Dyslexia , yet that didn't stop him from pursuing the test. He invested over $1,000 in testing materials to be sure he would score high enough for the promotion. When he did score high enough, the state decided to not issue the promotions because there were not enough minorities in the top 20 test scorers.

Working its way up the ladder of justice, "Ricci v. DeStefano" inevitably reached the Supreme Court. The appellate court, featuring appointed justice Sonia Sotomayor, had just ruled against the 20 firefighters, saying that the test itself must have been unfair to minorities. Now that Sonya Sotomayor has been appointed to the highest court in the land, Frank Ricci, along with 2 Mexican firefighters are serving as witnesses to the Sotomayor hearings. Where does this lead to now that someone threatens the initiative of the Democratic machine? Well, in an all to familiar manner, several democrats and left winged advocacy groups have brought the attack on the innocent individual. Frank Ricci, a regular citizen who won his dispute with the city, is now being personally attacked because he poses a legitimate threat to a member of the extreme liberal agenda.

According to McClatchy Newspapers, strong supporters of Sonya Sotomayor have been urging the newspaper to investigate Frank Ricci. In their own words, Ricci has a, "troubled and litigious work history." However troubling his work history may or may not have been, Ricci's work ethic was not the issue at hand in the case.

The "New Haven 20" after the U.S. Supreme Court over-ruled Sotomayor's decision, ruling in favor of Frank Ricci (pictured front right) and the 19 other firefighters

The investigation into Frank Ricci was urged by People for the American Way, a strong liberal advocacy group. They cite Ricci's involvement in a civil suit against another fire department for discrimination involving his abilities with Dyslexia. In that case, the courts ruled in favor of Mr. Ricci, that he in fact had been discriminated against. According to People for the American Way, this case from 14 years ago proves Ricci unworthy of the promotion he rightfully earned and they have resorted to personal attacks to make a mockery of him. It is disgusting that these people believe they have the right to invade the personal life of an innocent man, just because he is serving as a witness to the past rulings of a potential Supreme Court Justice.

When I heard about the way Frank Ricci was being treated, I immediate thought of how typical this is of the progressive liberal movement. Another case of liberal attacks on innocent private citizens is Joe the Plumber. While Barack Obama was on the campaign trail as a candidate of the presidency, he came across a man named Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, otherwise known as, "Joe the Plumber."

As Obama questioned the average man on the sidewalk out side of his home, Joe also began to question the democratic candidate. Here is part of the discussion between the two.

Obama's use of "Joe the Plumber" gone wrong

In later weeks, Barack Obama began to use Joe's story as an example of how he wanted to change the way the government taxes small businesses. In a sense, Obama was using the life and situation of "Joe the Plumber" for his own political gain. This plan backfired though, when Joe Wurzelbacher was asked about his support for Barack Obama. Mr. Wurzelbacher simply answered that he didn't support Obama's tax plan that would, in Joe's eyes, punish the hard working small businesses for being successful. It hadn't even been a full 24 hours before the Obama campaign and his supporters began the personal attacks on Joe for his treason to the movement.

It was hard for me to pick an example of liberals bashing Joe Wurzelbacher, not because they are rare occurrences, but because I really wanted my readers to see the disgusting attitudes that make these people think they are better than everyone else. In this clip, you see Cenk Uygur, the host of the "Young Turks" radio show, bashing Mr. Wurzelbacher, which Uygur has come to do quite often. There are several videos of this liberal talk show host poking fun of "Joe the Plumber," but this is just one that I chose to make my point.

"Young Turks" radio show still bashing Joe Wurzelbacher on July 3, 2009, just 10 days ago.

These are just two examples of the Liberal regime and their personal attacks in the past year. There are plenty more, and if you are thinking about it now, I'm sure you may have come across the idea of an entire family still under attack today. Never in the history of America has any private citizen been so unashamedly bashed by the Liberals and advocacy groups as the family of Sarah Palin. Whether it's her 18 year old daughter who has already had a child, her husband who was a member of a secession group 15 years ago, or even her youngest son who suffers from Down Syndrome, nothing is off limits when it comes to the Palin's.

Perfect example: Michelle Obama says, "For the first time in my life, I'm proud to be an American." Barack Obama then says, "My family is off limits," and the media keeps quiet. When it comes to the Palins however, things are totally different. David Letterman says A-Rod knocked up Palin's daughter (who is 14 years old) in the seventh inning stretch of a Yankees game and the Huffington Post talks about Sarah Palin's youngest son Trig by calling him, "her retarded kid." Because Palin threatens the liberal agenda, none of her family is off limits.

Not once, but twice, Michelle states this is the first time she is proud of her country

Here is just one of many things I want made equal amongst progressives and conservatives. If the progressives are going to demand the "truth" of Trig Palin's birth history (whether or not Sarah is his true mother), I want the truth about Obama's birth history. If you were truly born in the United States, show your birth certificate. Don't show us a fake, don't show us a copy of a birth certificate all blacked out, and don't tell us it's none of our business. It is our business because you serve us.

I suppose the lesson I have learned from this is that you cannot be associated in any way to conservative politics or else you are a target. Also, if you so much as question the direction of the progressive movement, Hollywood and the progressives will attack you mercilessly whether you are a plumber, trucker, farmer, or child. I find it more important though, that future acquaintances of political voices know this. I don't know what my future holds, but I know that I want to fight and be the best contributor to conservative principles that I can be. That being said, I, and anyone else with an ambition to serve the country in such a way, must know their loved ones will be the target of liberal attacks. It's a disgrace that these people get away with it, but it will go on, until enough people tell them that it's not acceptable.

Friday, July 10, 2009


In the 90's, President Clinton turned the country upside down after he led investigators on a wild goose chase regarding his affair with Monica Lewinsky. During this time, we got a clear view of who "Slick Willy" truly was. Nearly a decade after he left the oval office though, Clinton's name is still often synonymous with that trouble-making intern.

Fast Forward to 2009. No, Obama hasn't cheated on his wife (and I hope he doesn't), but the paparazzi flash bulbs finally caught Obama making an error of judgment. Don't Worry Mr. President, this wont affect my opinion of you or your policies. We all make mistakes, and plus, you already make my job here way too easy.

P.S. Don't be too hard on him Michelle.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


It has been 8 months since Obama has been elected and time cant creep any slower. As the saying goes, "time flies when you're having fun," but I feel like I am in an alternate universe and the exact opposite is happening. How is it that Barack Obama can go from the Illinois State Senate, to the U.S. Senate, to Democratic Presidential Nominee, to President of the United States, all in a matter of 4 years, but once he gets there, all of time stops on a dime?

Is it possible that Obama has been riding his charisma throughout his entire political career and not just since he declared his candidacy for the office of President? I think it's very likely. Now that he is in the Oval Office though, Obama's knack for speeding through things has carried over into his agenda. Since taking office, he has quadrupled the national debt, headed the the largest tax increase in American history, and taken unemployment to its highest level in over 25 years.

After seeing my country virtually flipped upside down by the democratic "leaders" in Washington DC, it made me realize how much I miss the days when a political talk meant discussing social issues. Now I don't even get to discuss social issues because I, like other conservatives, are busy trying to defend the fundamentals of American capitalism, the fundamentals this country was founded on and the fundamentals that I so ignorantly thought were indestructible. Apparently, they aren't fundamentals to the Liberal leaders though, because Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are having no problem destroying the American freedoms of capitalism.

While I agree, no president is ever going to make the entire population 100% happy, there is something to say about a president who generates an unmatched animosity like Obama does. Under his presidency I have seen anger taken to the next level in all different forms. When this happens, people feel such an overwhelming disconnect with their leaders, they can sometimes feel their last resort is to take action into their own hands. In my opinion, using violence to make a point should never be acceptable in the United States, but some people take it there. A perfect example is the Killing of Dr. George Tiller.

George Tiller was a late term abortion doctor who, as I covered earlier, was killed by an angry pro-life extremist. In his many years of performing such services, George Tiller aborted approximately 60,000 3rd trimester babies. Does that make you mad, because it sure pisses me off? Well in the eyes of Tiller's murderer, these acts were more than outrageous and because the government wasn't going to do anything about it he took it into his own hands. Now if it took over 20 years for someone to act out against George Tiller, How long do you think it will take for someone to act out against our dictator-like government that continues to steal power in such a Fascist manner?

Hypocrisy of Obama's "Tiller Outrage"

Once again, I am in no way advocating the use of violence to advance a political position. Such actions are not productive, but can often arise out of the people's discontent with the political system. Another example of common Americans becoming discontent with politicians is YouTube's "Walstreetpro2". This economics guru is a regular contributor to the famous online financial newsletter Davian letter and has a unique way of letting out his anger towards the leaders in Washington. His medium is his online video channel.


A citizen's outrage over the government's economic impact

I can say all I want about the use of violence and its absurdity, but the truth of the matter is, Americans are angry. They are tired of being lied to and tired of not being represented. The members of congress have strayed too far away from their original duty which is to serve the country and by definition, the citizens who elected them. Now they serve themselves through their mentality that can be described as nothing more than elitist. I would never wish physical harm upon our political leaders, but it would be ignorant of them to believe their work in D.C. is acceptable to us in the real world.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Since Michael Jackson’s death 12 days ago (June 25, 2009), There has been very little going on in the World. In a sense, all the nations have ceased any newsworthy activity in reverence of MJ. There have been zero soldiers killed in the recent surge into Afghanistan, There have been no major motions out of congress, and ruthless dictators who have threatened us in the past have remained stagnant. Al Gore has let off the global warming guilt trip for the last week and a half and the courts have not ruled in favor of a raunchy comedian to put him into the United States Senate.

Obviously none of this is true, in fact much has been going on in the world and here in the United States, yet the American people have been robbed of the truth by our great media sources. While I naturally expected MTV, VH1, and BET to do their 24 hour, wall to wall coverage (good thing he was “black” or else BET wouldn’t have noticed), I was ignorantly surprised that true media outlets abandoned the news all together for their own memorials.

While CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and even Fox News covered Michael Jackson like the Berlin Wall had just come down, here is what you may have missed.

In a speech to English college students, Al Gore said that it is difficult to persuade the public that the threat from climate change, in fact, is as urgent as the threat from Nazi Germany. I’m sure there are about 10 million Jews that would disagree with you Al.

Victims of Nazi Germany: One in the same with Global Warming to Al Gore

As for North Korea, they launched 7 short range missiles on the fourth of July despite being scorned numerous times by the rest of the world. Hugo Chavez once again called the United States the devil, and the Iranian dictators are accusing us of meddling in their elections. Just a handful of chump-change compared to Michael Jackson's death though.

After being declared the loser in the Minnesota senate race last November, former SNL star and comedian Al Franken sued the state. Yesterday the courts declared Franken the true winner after ruling that several of his opponents ballots “didn’t count.” That’s some powerful authority, to be able to essentially say, “No, your vote doesn’t count.”

While the media was trying to decide who would get Jackson’s money and kids, the House of Representatives was on a much more serious course. Although 40 democrats voted against the ‘Cap and Trade Bill’, the liberals still had enough votes to pass a bill that threatens to create the largest tax increase in American history. It doesn’t create jobs, It makes every American’s energy costs skyrocket in an attempt to get us to “utilize less energy.” Barack Obama himself said that his cap and trade plan would essentially, bankrupt the coal industry. On this basis, how does Nancy Pelosi think such a bill could create jobs? The simple answer is that she doesn’t. The truth is, congressional leaders such as Pelosi have hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in “clean energy” companies, and a bill like this is the perfect way to fill up their bank accounts.

Probably more shocking than anything, is the coverage of Michael Jackson’s death and lack of coverage for the soldiers who have died in the last week from the surge into Afghanistan. 1st Lt. Brian Bradshaw is just one of 13 soldiers to have died in Afghanistan since Michael Jackson’s death, yet the media has simply turned their back. Bradshaw’s mother said, “"I can watch the news many nights and there's no mention of what's going on in Afghanistan or Iraq and there's boys dying over there.”

1st Lt. Brian Bradshaw

With the media ignoring the important news in the world, it was only a matter of time that someone spoke out against the excessive Jackson coverage. New York Representative Peter King did just that and was immediately labeled a racist by black leaders and the congressional black caucus.

Peter King's statement on the Michael Jackson coverage

Its funny how easily the term racist is thrown around by black people, yet there is no response when Al Sharpton says, “White folks was in caves while we was building empires. We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”

My message to Sharpton: Get learned some English ya racist.