Wednesday, July 22, 2009


In the 1960 Broadway hit "Bye Bye Birdie," Harry McAfee's lovestruck daughter causes him to spent much of the play trying to answer the question, "What's the matter with kids today?" Well I don't know what was the matter with the kids 50 years ago, but I think I figured out what's wrong with kids THESE days.

In the 50's, the transition from child to teenager, and then on to a young adult, was often accompanied with an insubordinate attitude towards authority. This attitude drove parents crazy in the 50's, and that hasn't changed one bit. What has changed though is that there is much more wrong with kids today. One blatant and obvious change in the today's adolescents is that kids in this generation do not generally have the self motivation to educate themselves on the state of the nation and current affairs. Kids have given up Newspapers and the Nightly News for ipods, video games, and text messaging. Not to be misunderstood, I do enjoy my ipod and cell phone, but I also understand the necessity of taking a personal interest and ownership of America and it's liberties. This means knowing what is going on in the country and how that relates the the constitutional role of government in the lives of all Americans. Sadly, today's youth has little to no interest in government.

Obama's connection with the youth stems from his celebrity-like status

This has arguably changed in the last year or so as young Americans between 18-25 had a record turnout in the 2008 presidential election. Is this because young adults are finally coming around to take a personal interest in the prosperity of America? Absolutely not. Realistically, the individuals of this demographic most likely showed up to fight the establishment, the establishment they really know nothing about. So why was it that Obama was able to rally the youth to favor him in such a successful way? One of the many reasons was his use of media in a way that had never been done before. Youtube videos, mass texts, and video game advertisements are just a few ways that the Obama campaign was able to reach out to the younger American demographic and their minuscule attention spans.

An Obama advertisement appearing in the video game "Need For Speed"

Experiencing the wrath of Obama's successful technology-based campaign, conservatives have learned form their devastating loss of political footing. This has prompted republicans to take to the internet as well. The social networking site Twitter has become a very popular medium for conservatives to get their word out. Here are just 3 recent twitter updates from conservative politicians.

(KarlRove) Polls are turning against President Barack Obama’s health-care plan. #TCOT #SGP

(AKGovSarahPalin) safe clean American energy&jobs or force our reliance on foreign countries;what more to ponder,oh wise Washington?Where's DC's common sense?

(Newtgingrich) RT @Heritage Stop Obama's defense cuts! Join the 48,000+ people who've already signed our 4% for Freedom petition.

Beyond social networking sites, conservative bloggers have taken their role as commentators to even more creative heights. Some make videos and others create political cartoons and comics to represent the current state of America under the democratic regime. Steven Crowder is a young blogger who writes for and Big Hollywood. Other than writing, Crowder also provides commentaries on Youtube. In this video, Steven Crowder decides to mix it up with a musical representation of how Obama's first few months have gone.

Steven Crowder's "Obama Song"

And because Steven Crowder has gotten me into such a musical mood, Ill give you another Obama song. This one is a little more light-hearted but it still confronts a crucial issue regarding Obama- the idea that his golden touch is the saving grace of America. Greg Morton performs his song on "The Bob and Tom Radio Show."

Greg Morton's "Obama Man Can"

You may not be a professional video editor or an expert public speaker, but everyone who values a traditional, conservative America must use their abilities to fight for our liberties and take back the greatest, most free nation in the world. Surprisingly enough, the young demographic that so ignorantly supported Obama is also the demographic that is providing rising leaders like Steven Crowder to promote truth in troubled times.

Interested in more young Americans fighting to preserve the traditional conservative America? Some things to check out:
The Young Cons
Pajama's Media
News Busted
Check out the "links" section of this blog(left sidebar) for more sources.

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