Is it possible that Obama has been riding his charisma throughout his entire political career and not just since he declared his candidacy for the office of President? I think it's very likely. Now that he is in the Oval Office though, Obama's knack for speeding through things has carried over into his agenda. Since taking office, he has quadrupled the national debt, headed the the largest tax increase in American history, and taken unemployment to its highest level in over 25 years.
After seeing my country virtually flipped upside down by the democratic "leaders" in Washington DC, it made me realize how much I miss the days when a political talk meant discussing social issues. Now I don't even get to discuss social issues because I, like other conservatives, are busy trying to defend the fundamentals of American capitalism, the fundamentals this country was founded on and the fundamentals that I so ignorantly thought were indestructible. Apparently, they aren't fundamentals to the Liberal leaders though, because Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are having no problem destroying the American freedoms of capitalism.
While I agree, no president is ever going to make the entire population 100% happy, there is something to say about a president who generates an unmatched animosity like Obama does. Under his presidency I have seen anger taken to the next level in all different forms. When this happens, people feel such an overwhelming disconnect with their leaders, they can sometimes feel their last resort is to take action into their own hands. In my opinion, using violence to make a point should never be acceptable in the United States, but some people take it there. A perfect example is the Killing of Dr. George Tiller.
George Tiller was a late term abortion doctor who, as I covered earlier, was killed by an angry pro-life extremist. In his many years of performing such services, George Tiller aborted approximately 60,000 3rd trimester babies. Does that make you mad, because it sure pisses me off? Well in the eyes of Tiller's murderer, these acts were more than outrageous and because the government wasn't going to do anything about it he took it into his own hands. Now if it took over 20 years for someone to act out against George Tiller, How long do you think it will take for someone to act out against our dictator-like government that continues to steal power in such a Fascist manner?
Once again, I am in no way advocating the use of violence to advance a political position. Such actions are not productive, but can often arise out of the people's discontent with the political system. Another example of common Americans becoming discontent with politicians is YouTube's "Walstreetpro2". This economics guru is a regular contributor to the famous online financial newsletter Davian letter and has a unique way of letting out his anger towards the leaders in Washington. His medium is his online video channel.
A citizen's outrage over the government's economic impact
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