Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Since Michael Jackson’s death 12 days ago (June 25, 2009), There has been very little going on in the World. In a sense, all the nations have ceased any newsworthy activity in reverence of MJ. There have been zero soldiers killed in the recent surge into Afghanistan, There have been no major motions out of congress, and ruthless dictators who have threatened us in the past have remained stagnant. Al Gore has let off the global warming guilt trip for the last week and a half and the courts have not ruled in favor of a raunchy comedian to put him into the United States Senate.

Obviously none of this is true, in fact much has been going on in the world and here in the United States, yet the American people have been robbed of the truth by our great media sources. While I naturally expected MTV, VH1, and BET to do their 24 hour, wall to wall coverage (good thing he was “black” or else BET wouldn’t have noticed), I was ignorantly surprised that true media outlets abandoned the news all together for their own memorials.

While CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and even Fox News covered Michael Jackson like the Berlin Wall had just come down, here is what you may have missed.

In a speech to English college students, Al Gore said that it is difficult to persuade the public that the threat from climate change, in fact, is as urgent as the threat from Nazi Germany. I’m sure there are about 10 million Jews that would disagree with you Al.

Victims of Nazi Germany: One in the same with Global Warming to Al Gore

As for North Korea, they launched 7 short range missiles on the fourth of July despite being scorned numerous times by the rest of the world. Hugo Chavez once again called the United States the devil, and the Iranian dictators are accusing us of meddling in their elections. Just a handful of chump-change compared to Michael Jackson's death though.

After being declared the loser in the Minnesota senate race last November, former SNL star and comedian Al Franken sued the state. Yesterday the courts declared Franken the true winner after ruling that several of his opponents ballots “didn’t count.” That’s some powerful authority, to be able to essentially say, “No, your vote doesn’t count.”

While the media was trying to decide who would get Jackson’s money and kids, the House of Representatives was on a much more serious course. Although 40 democrats voted against the ‘Cap and Trade Bill’, the liberals still had enough votes to pass a bill that threatens to create the largest tax increase in American history. It doesn’t create jobs, It makes every American’s energy costs skyrocket in an attempt to get us to “utilize less energy.” Barack Obama himself said that his cap and trade plan would essentially, bankrupt the coal industry. On this basis, how does Nancy Pelosi think such a bill could create jobs? The simple answer is that she doesn’t. The truth is, congressional leaders such as Pelosi have hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in “clean energy” companies, and a bill like this is the perfect way to fill up their bank accounts.

Probably more shocking than anything, is the coverage of Michael Jackson’s death and lack of coverage for the soldiers who have died in the last week from the surge into Afghanistan. 1st Lt. Brian Bradshaw is just one of 13 soldiers to have died in Afghanistan since Michael Jackson’s death, yet the media has simply turned their back. Bradshaw’s mother said, “"I can watch the news many nights and there's no mention of what's going on in Afghanistan or Iraq and there's boys dying over there.”

1st Lt. Brian Bradshaw

With the media ignoring the important news in the world, it was only a matter of time that someone spoke out against the excessive Jackson coverage. New York Representative Peter King did just that and was immediately labeled a racist by black leaders and the congressional black caucus.

Peter King's statement on the Michael Jackson coverage

Its funny how easily the term racist is thrown around by black people, yet there is no response when Al Sharpton says, “White folks was in caves while we was building empires. We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”

My message to Sharpton: Get learned some English ya racist.

1 comment:

  1. The worst part is, no one cares. We sent loads of emails to everyone but they don't listen. There are many of us on fixed incomes that will not be able to afford electricity. Now they want to change our med so when we have heat strokes because we can't afford electricity, we won't be able to get help. That way they can get rid of all the old critters. Keep up the good work. Life is great here in the USA.
